


New words生词

Chinese characters汉字

Notes 注释

Phonetics 语音

Pronunciation drills语音练习

Initials 声母

Finals 韵母

Tones 声调

Third-tone sandhi三声变调

Neutral tone轻声

Spelling rules拼写规则

Grammar 语法

Conversation practice 会话练习

Pronunciation key发音要领

Word order in Chinese sentences汉语的语序

Basic stokes of Chinese characters汉字基本笔画

Sentences with an adjectival predicate形容词谓语句

Rules of stroke order笔顺规则

Combined character strokes汉字复合笔画

Pronunciation review语音复习

Sentences with a verbal predicate动词谓语句

Combination of strokes笔画组合

Structure of Chinese characters汉字的结构

Verbs or verbal phrases as objects 动词或动词词组作宾语

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